
 2021-10-25 09:10

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1. 查阅相关文献与专业书籍了解目前高介电石墨烯/聚酰亚胺复合薄膜的制备方法与性能,了解课题相关背景,已有成果以及存在的问题,对论文的研究方向有较深入的认识。

2. 培养学生独立思考及动手做实验的能力,养成良好的科研习惯。

3. 学会查找和阅读文献;学会应用相关实验设备和模拟软件。


2. 参考文献

三.应收集的资料及主要参考文献[1] 杨世美. 高介电低损耗PVDF杂化材料的制备与性能[D]. 长春: 长春工业大学, 2019.[2] 刘会. 高介电石墨烯/聚酰亚胺复合材料的制备与性能研究[D]. 山东: 山东理工大学, 2017.[3] Irina Gouzman, Eitan Grossman, Ronen Verker, et al. Advances in polyimide-based materials for space applications[J]. Advanced Materials, 2019, 1807738: 1-15.[4] Akhter T, Mun S C, Saeed S, et al. Enhancing dielectric properties of highly compatible new polyimide/γ-ray irradiate MWCNTs nanocomposites[J]. RSC Advance. 2012: 1-11.[5] 宋景达. 纳米碳材料与聚酰亚胺复合薄膜的制备与性能研究[D]. 北京:北京化工大学, 2012.[6] Xiao Liu, Yangpeng Li, Wenmao Guo, et al. Dielectric and mechanical properties of polyimide composite films reinforced with graphene nanoribbon[J]. Surface Coating Technology, 2017, 320: 497-502.[7] Jingni Liu, Guofeng Tian, Shenli Qi, et al. Enhanced dielectric permittivity of a flexible three-phase polyimide-graphene-BaTiO3 composite material[J]. Material Letters, 2014, 124: 117-119. [8] Jialong Li, Chen Yang, Na Li, et al. High performance polyimide-based composites filled with 2D aluminum oxide coated reduced graphene oxide nanosheets[J]. Surface Coating Technology, 2019, 364: 7-15.[9] Xiaojian Liao, Wan Ye, Linlin Chen, et al. Flexible hdC-G reinforced polyimide composites with high dielectric permittivity[J]. Composites: Part A, 2017, 101: 50-58.[10] Wenhui Xu, Yichun Ding, Shaohua Jiang, et al. Mechanical flexible PI/MWCNTs nanocomposites with high dielectric permittivity by electrospinning[J]. European Polymer Journal, 2014, 59: 129-135.[11] Jiaming Zhu, Xiaoying Ji, Min Yin, et al. Poly (vinylidene fluoride) based percolative dielectrics with tunable coating of polydopamine on carbon nanotubes: Toward high permittivity and low dielectric loss[J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2017, 144: 79-88.[12] Min Chao, Yanming Li, Guanglei Wu, et al. Functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube-reinforced polyimide composite films with enhanced mechanical and thermal properties[J]. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2019: 1-12. [13]. 李帆. 石墨烯/聚酰亚胺柔性复合薄膜的制备及其性能研究[D]. 南昌:南昌大学, 2015.[14] Hui Liu, Peng Xu, Haibo Yao, et al. Controllable reduction of graphene oxide and its application during the fabrication of high dielectric constant composites[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 420: 390-398.[15] Yingchun Liu, Kun Wu, Fubin Luo, et al. Significantly enhanced thermal conductivity in polyvinyl alcohol composites enabled by dopamine modified graphene nanoplatelets[J]. Composites: Part A, 2019, 117: 134-143.

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