
 2022-01-30 07:01


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1、文献查阅 掌握文献查阅的一般方法,学会利用计算机在中国期刊网、维普数据网、超星数字图书馆、美国化学学会(ACS)、CA 、SCI等检索资源上查阅与析氢材料和MES的研究相关的文献。


3、明确实验任务,拟定实验方案 根据所查文献的内容,结合大学所学课程相关知识,确定实验内容及方案,拟定科学可行的研究计划。


2. 实验内容和要求

1.实验前期的设计以及方法的建立 2.光催化材料的制备 3.光催化性能测试方法 4.MES实验

3. 参考文献

1. Chu S, Majumdar A. Opportunities and challenges for a sustainableenergy future. Nature. 2012;488:294303.2. Suberu MY, Mustafa MW, Bashir N. Energy storage systems for renewableenergy power sector integration and mitigation of intermittency. RenewSust Energ Rev. 2014;35:499514.3. Nevin KP, Woodard TL, Franks AE, Summers ZM, Lovley DR. Microbialelectrosynthesis: feeding microbes electricity to convert carbon dioxideand water to multicarbon extracellular organic compounds. Mbio.2010;1(2):e0010310.4. Rojas MDA, Zaiat M, Gonzalez ER, De Wever H, Pant D. Effect of the electric supply interruption on a microbial electrosynthesis system converting inorganic carbon into acetate. Bioresour Technol. 2018;266:20310.5. Rojas MDA, Mateos R, Sotres A, Zaiat M, Gonzalez ER, Escapa A, DeWever H, Pant D. Microbial electrosynthesis (MES) from CO 2 is resilientto fluctuations in renewable energy supply. Energ Convers Manage.2018;177:2729.

[6] Y.-F. Xu, M.-R. Gao, Y.-R. Zheng, J. Jiang, S.-H. Yu, Nickel/nickel(II) oxidenanoparticles anchored onto cobalt(IV) diselenide nanobelts for the electro-chemical production of hydrogen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52 (2013)8546e8550.[7] Y. Zheng, Y. Jiao, Y. Zhu, L.H. Li, Y. Han, Y. Chen, A. Du, M. Jaroniec, S.Z. Qiao,Hydrogen evolution by a metal-free electrocatalyst, Nat. Commun. 5 (2014)3783.[8] V.R. Stamenkovic, B.S. Mun, M. Arenz, K.J.J. Mayrhofer, C.A. Lucas, G. Wang,P.N. Ross, N.M. Markovic, Trends in electrocatalysis on extended and nano-scale Pt-bimetallic alloy surfaces, Nat. Mater. 6 (2007) 241e247.[9] Y.-J. Tang, M.-R. Gao, C.-H. Liu, S.-L. Li, H.-L. Jiang, Y.-Q. Lan, M. Han, S.-H. Yu,Porous Molybdenum-based hybrid catalysts for highly efficient hydrogenevolution, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54 (2015) 12928e12932.[10] H.I. Karunadasa, E. Montalvo, Y. Sun, M. Majda, J.R. Long, C.J. Chang,A molecular MoS 2 edge site mimic for catalytic hydrogen generation, Science335 (2012) 698e702.

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 备 注 2020.1.1-2020.1.20 查阅文献,熟悉课题,写开题报告 2020.3.1-2020.4.1 熟悉实验相关技能操作


2020.5.21-2020.6.3 整理实验数据,总结实验结果,论文写作

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