基于Bag of Visual Words的近重复图像去冗系统设计与实现任务书

 2021-08-19 23:51:27

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要目标:

1、实现一个基于Bag of Visual Words算法的图像去冗系统;


2. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

1、通过实现Bag of Visual Word算法,设计并实现一个对网络图像进行近重复检测并去冗的系统;




3. 主要参考文献

1.Yang J, Jiang Y G, Hauptmann A G, et al. Evaluating bag-of-visual-words representations in scene classification.[C]// Proceedings of the international workshop on Workshop on multimedia information retrieval. ACM, 2007:197-206.

2.Csurka G, Dance C R, Fan L, et al. Visual categorization with bags of keypoints[J]. Workshop on Statistical Learning in Computer Vision Eccv, 2004:1--22.

3.Jgou H, Douze M, Schmid C, et al. Aggregating local descriptors into a compact image representation[C]// IEEE Conference on Computer Vision Pattern Recognition. IEEE Computer Society, 2010:3304-3311.

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