
 2021-10-28 08:10

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

(1) 查阅资料,了解国内外沥青烟气净化的研究现状,对沥青烟气净化脱除进行概述,撰写文献综述。


(2) 参考现有沥青烟气净化装置,在优化现有工艺的基础上,对每个净化单元进行物料、热量衡算和设备设计计算,完成经济性分析计算。


2. 参考文献

[1]. 钟晋贤, 赵玉华, 李洪海,等 高温焚烧氧化沥青尾气中的苯并(a)芘[J]. 环境化学, 1982(1):52-57.[2]. 李玉财, 苏久明, 刘涛, et al. 焦油沥青净化和浸渍剂沥青的生产[J]. 燃料与化工, 2002(04):25-28.[3]. 张宏利, 张冲. 沥青烟气净化处理组合工艺[J]. 广东化工, 2012(02):127-128.[4]. Yoo Youl Choi, Seok Hee Lee, Jae-Cheul Park, et al. The impact of corrosion on marine vapour recovery systems by VOC generated from ships[J]. International Journal of Naval Architecture Ocean Engineering, 2019, 11.[5]. Perry R H, Green D W, Maloney J O. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th ed McGraw-Hill, New York. 2008.[6]. Robin Z A, Alexander B G. Johannes K H. Method and device for removing tars from synthesis gas obtained during gasification of biomass. Patent Number: US 2012/0216460 A1, 2012-08-30.[7]. Kotting J, Schiller W, Beckmann A, et al. German Aortic Valve Score: a new scoring system for prediction of mortality related to aortic valve procedures in adults[J]. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2013, 43(5): 971-977.[8]. Kok L F, Lee M Y, Tyan Y S, et al. Comparing the scoring mechanisms of p16INK4aimmunohistochemistry based on independent nucleic stains and independent cytoplasmic stains in distinguishing between endocervical and endometrial adenocarcinomas in a tissue microarray study[J]. Archives of Gynecology Obstetrics, 2010, 281(2): 293-300.

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