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摘 要


关键词: 矿粉;石粉;混凝土;性能;含量


In this paper, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and automatic compression and flexural testing machines were used to study the hydration process, hydration products, and micro-morphology and compressive strength of cementitious cement systems with fine/ultra-fine stone powders. The influence of stone powder incorporation on the mechanical properties of cementitious materials were investigated as well. The results showed that the mineral powder can promote the secondary hydration reaction of cement, consume calcium hydroxide in cement and produce high-sulfur calcium hydrated calcium sulphoaluminate and monosulfur-hydrated calcium sulphoaluminate. Therefore, the incorporation of mineral powder can improve the mechanical properties of cement, especially in the later period of cement hydration. However, the incorporation of fines will reduce the fluidity of the cement slurry. Stone powder does not have much influence on the hydration of cement. Because of its small size, it can fill in the voids of the cement gel system, so it has the effect of optimizing material grading. The effect of stone powder on the mechanical properties of cement is mainly reflected in the early stage of cement hydration, and has little effect in the later stage of cement hydration. In general, the incorporation of stone powder will reduce the mechanical properties of cement while increasing the fineness can increase the strength and fluidity of powdered cement.The two types of cement concrete mixed with mineral powder and stone powder each exert their own characteristics, and the interaction between the two types of mixture is not obvious.

Keywords: Slag powder; stone powder; concrete; performance; content

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景与意义 1

1.2 石粉在水泥混凝土中的作用机理 2

1.3 石粉作为水泥混凝土掺合料的研究现状 3

1.4 矿渣在水泥混凝土中的作用机理 3

1.5 矿渣作为水泥混凝土掺合料的研究现状 5

1.6 研究的内容与目标 6

第2章 实验原材料及实验内容 7

2.1 原材料 7

2.1.1 水泥 7

2.1.2 砂 7

2.1.3 水 7

2.1.4 矿粉 7

2.1.5 石粉 7

2.2 实验配合比 8

2.3 实验方法 8

2.3.1 水泥砂浆模块的成型方法 8

2.3.2 水泥砂浆模块的抗折与抗压实验 9

2.3.3 水泥砂浆试样的XRD测试及SEM测试 10

第3章 实验结果分析 11

3.1 水泥浆体流动度的分析 11

3.1.1 单掺合料实验组水泥浆体的流动度的分析 11

3.1.2 双掺合料实验组水泥浆体的流动度的分析 12

3.2 水泥砂浆的抗折强度与抗压强度分析 12

3.2.1 单掺合料水泥砂浆的抗折与抗压强度分析 13

3.2.2 双掺合料水泥砂浆的抗折与抗压强度分析 14

3.3 水泥砂浆的SEM分析 17

3.3.1 纯水泥实验组的SEM分析 17

3.3.2 单独掺入超细矿粉水泥砂浆的SEM分析 18

3.3.3 单独掺入石粉水泥砂浆的SEM分析 19

3.3.4 双掺合料水泥砂浆的SEM分析 20

3.4 水泥砂浆的XRD分析 21

3.4.1 单掺料水泥砂浆的XRD分析 22

3.4.2 双掺合料水泥砂浆的XRD分析 23

第4章 结论与展望 26

4.1 结论 26

4.2 展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景与意义

建筑行业是我国国民经济的产业支柱,水泥混凝土则是建筑业中最重要的部分,是当代主要的土木工程材料。水泥混凝土是由胶结材料,骨料和水按一定比例配制,经搅拌振捣成型,在一定条件下养护成型的人造石材。混凝土具有原料丰富,价格低廉,生产工艺简单的特点,因而使其用量越来越大。同时混凝土还具有抗压强度高,耐久性好,强度等级范围宽等特点,这使得其使用范围十分广泛。不仅在各种土木工程中使用,在造船业,机械工业,海洋的开发,地热工程等方面,水泥混凝土也是重要的材料 。



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