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摘 要

Abstract 1

绪论 1

第1章 建筑设计 2

1.1工程项目概况 2

1.2建筑设计理念 2

1.3 设计条件 2

1.4建筑平面设计 3

1.4.1建筑使用部分平面设计 3

1.4.2建筑物交通联系部分平面设计 4

1.5建筑立面设计 5

1.6建筑剖面设计 5

1.6.1各层建筑高度设计 6

1.6.2采光、通风设计 6

1.6.3排水设计 6

1.7建筑构造设计 6

1.6.1楼板构造设计 6

1.6.2外墙及内墙构造 7

1.6.3门窗的构造 7

1.7建筑做法 7

1.7.1屋面做法(自上而下) 7

1.7.2楼面做法(自上而下) 8

第2章 结构设计 8

2.1设计资料 8

2.2结构方案的确定 8

2.2.1结构设计一般原则 8

2.2.2结构设计依据 9

第3章 框架结构设计计算 10

3.1梁柱截面尺寸、板尺寸及柱高的确定 10

3.2确定框架计算简图 11

3.3荷载标准值统计 14

3.3.1恒荷载统计 14

3.3.2活载 16

3.4荷载计算 16

3.4.1框架横梁竖向均布荷载 16

3.4.2框架横梁竖向节点集中荷载标准值 18

3.4.3风荷载标准值计算 20

3.4.4地震作用计算 21

3.5水平荷载作用下框架结构的位移验算 24

3.5.1地震作用下的框架结构位移验算 24

3.6竖向荷载作用下框架的内力分析 26

3.6.1恒载作用下框架弯矩的计算 26

3.6.2恒载下梁端剪力及柱轴力计算 31

3.6.3活荷载作用下框架弯矩、剪力及轴力的计算 34

3.7水平荷载作用下的内力分析 36

3.7.1风荷载作用下框架的内力计算 36

3.7.2地震荷载作用下框架的内力计算 36

第4章 内力组合 49

4.1确定控制截面 49

4.2控制截面最不利内力 49

4.3控制截面荷载效应组合 50

4.4框架梁内力组合 50

4.4.1梁端弯矩调幅 50

4.4.2跨间最大弯矩计算 51

4.5框架柱内力组合 52

第5章 梁柱截面设计及配筋计算 54

5.1 框架梁截面设计 54

5.1.1正截面受弯承载力计算 54

5.1.2梁斜截面受剪承载力计算 57

5.1.3裂缝宽度验算 57

5.1.4跨中挠度验算 58

5.2 框架柱截面设计 59

第6章 基础设计 64

6.1 A柱基础设计 64

6.1.1最不利内力的确定 64

6.1.2确定基础底面尺寸 64

6.1.3基础尺寸验算 65

6.1.4基础高度设计 67

6.1.5配筋计算 68

6.2中柱联合基础设计 68

第7章 楼梯、楼面板等构件的计算和配筋 70

7.1楼梯设计 70

7.1.1设计参数 70

7.1.2 楼梯梯段板设计 70

7.1.3 平台板设计 71

7.1.4平台梁设计 73

7.2楼板设计 74

7.2.1 基本资料 74

7.2.2 内力计算(弹性理论棋盘法) 75

7.2.3 配筋计算 76

结论 78

结束语 79

参考文献 80

附录I 内力组合 82




关键词:多功能办公楼 框架结构 建筑设计 结构设计 浅基础设计


The content of this paper is the design of an office building. Overall, the design of this office building has completely accomplished two parts which are the architectural design and functional design as well as the structural design. For this tow parts, this edifice has a exquisite and magnificent appearance. On the base of people-oriented concept, the design not only meets the functional requirements of a traditional office, but also introduced quite a lot of entertainment and leisure functions. On this basis, it completed the graphic design, facade design and cross-sectional design of this construction. For part of the structural design, the design uses an economic span , the form of the structure is reinforced concrete frame structure. In the design process, I mainly adopted manual calculation approaches, and with some ancillary computing calculation approaches, and thus I mastered the methods of calculating the frame structure design and grasp the construction requirements more detailed, more comprehensive and in-depth. When doing manual calculation, I select a typical framework, and grasp the approach to  reinforcement calculation for each frame beam and frame column. For computing part, I mainly used the PKPMCAD to calculate the internal forces of the structure, and finished the relevant construction drawings. After considering the complex factors of construction site, building scale and economic conditions, I accomplished the relevant requirements of the mission statement, and enhance the related capacity of myself and achieved the goal of graduation project’s requirement.

Keywords: Office Building Frame Structure Architectural Design Structural Design Design of Shallow Foundation




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