
 2021-10-24 03:10

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

微塑料是指颗粒粒径小于5 mm 的塑料微粒,其在生态环境中的分布极为广泛,对环境安全造成了巨大威胁。研究表明,污水处理厂的废水中含有大量的微塑料,而废水中含有的各种杂质阻碍了其中微塑料的提取及分析。对微塑料样品进行预处理,将提高分析准确性。本研究根据城镇污水处理厂可能含有的杂质成分,对比几种预处理方法对微塑料分析准确性的影响,并分析机理。




2. 参考文献

[1] Hidalgo-Ruz, V., et al., Microplastics in the marine environment: A review of the methods used for identification and quantification. Environmental Science Technology, 2012. 46(6): 3060-3075.

[2] Chae, Y. and Y. An, Effects of micro- and nanoplastics on aquatic ecosystems: Current research trends and perspectives. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017. 124(2SI): 624-632.

[3] De S, L.C., et al., Studies of the effects of microplastics on aquatic organisms: What do we know and where should we focus our efforts in the future? Science of the Total Environment, 2018. 645: 1029-1039.

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