
 2022-02-02 09:02


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求


2. 实验内容和要求

1 2 3 4 5 6 UCNP7 8 9

3. 参考文献

[1]G. Chen, H. Qiu, P.N. Prasad, X. Chen. Upconversion nanoparticles: design, nanochemistry, and applications in theranostics Chem. Rev.[J], 2014, 114: 5161-5214.

[2]Y. Liu, Q. Ouyang, H. Li, Z. Zhang, Q. Chen. Development of an inner filter effects-based upconversion nanoparticles-curcumin nanosystem for the sensitive sensing of fluoride ion ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces[J], 2017, 9: 18314-18321.

[3]S. Heer, K. K鰉pe, H.U. G黡el, M. Haase. Highly efficient multicolour upconversion emission in transparent colloids of lanthanide-doped NaYF4 nanocrystals Adv. Mater.[J], 2004, 16: 2102-2105.


4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

2020 ~ 202115 ~ 1617 ~ 19202020 ~ 202112 ~ 4UCNPs5 ~ 78 ~ 9pH101112 ~ 14PPT

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