
 2022-01-30 07:01


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

1.文献查阅掌握文献查阅的一般方法,学会使用计算机在中国期刊网,维普数据库,超星数字图书馆,Elsevier电子期刊,Springer Link全文电子期刊,Web of Science,pubmed等检索资源上查阅关于嗜甲基丁酸杆菌的相关文献。

2. 文献阅读及综述 阅读与课题相关的外文及中文文献,了解国内外的研究动态,撰写文献综述。

3. 明确实验任务,拟定实验方案根据所查阅文献的内容,确定实验内容及方案,拟定科学可行的研究计划。


2. 实验内容和要求





3. 参考文献

1. J. G. Zeikus et al., Isolation and characterization of a new, methylotrophic, acidogenic anaerobe, the marburg strain. Current Microbiology 3,(1980).2. F. R. Bengelsdorf, A. Poehlein, B. Schiel-Bengelsdorf, R. Daniel, P. Durre, Genome Sequence of the Acetogenic Bacterium Butyribacterium methylotrophicum DSM 3468T. Genome Announc 4,(2016).3. M. E. Pyne, M. Moo-Young, D. A. Chung, C. P. Chou, Development of an electrotransformation protocol for genetic manipulation of Clostridium pasteurianum. Biotechnol Biofuels 6, 50 (2013).4. S. Nakotte, S. Schaffer, M. Bohringer, P. Durre, Electroporation of, plasmid isolation from and plasmid conservation in Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 792. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 50, 564-567 (1998).5. T. E. Aune, F. L. Aachmann, Methodologies to increase the transformation efficiencies and the range of bacteria that can be transformed. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 85, 1301-1313 (2010).6. H. Heiskanen, I. Virkajarvi, L. Viikari, The effect of syngas composition on the growth and product formation of Butyribacterium methylotrophicum. Enzyme Microb Tech 41, 362-367 (2007).7. M. Straub, M. Demler, D. Weuster-Botz, P. Durre, Selective enhancement of autotrophic acetate production with genetically modified Acetobacterium woodii. J Biotechnol 178, 67-72 (2014).8. L. Lynd, R. Kerby, J. G. Zeikus, Carbon-Monoxide Metabolism of the Methylotrophic Acidogen Butyribacterium-Methylotrophicum. J Bacteriol 149, 255-263 (1982).9. S. H. Lee et al., Ex situ product recovery and strain engineering of Clostridium acetobutylicum for enhanced production of butanol. Process Biochem 50, 1683-1691 (2015).10. R. Kerby, J. G. Zeikus, Anaerobic Catabolism of Formate to Acetate and Co2 by Butyribacterium-Methylotrophicum. J Bacteriol 169, 2063-2068 (1987).

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

2020.11.30-2020.12.31 布置毕业论文任务 2021.1.1-2021.1.23 查阅文献,书写开题报告, 建立实验条件2021.3.1-2021.4.20 菌种活化,绘制不同培养基生长曲线2021.4.21-2021.4.30 中期检查2021.5.1-2021.5.30 比较不同培养基生产丁酸、乙酸的差异2021.5.31-2021.6.7 论文书写

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