
 2021-08-27 10:08

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

1. 调查研究台风灾害资料信息,及其对区域输变电设备影响的表现形式,如倒塔、倒杆、断线、绝缘子等受损情况进行调研。

2. 基于以上调研,提出区域输变电设备受台风灾害影响的设备故障检测方法,并对区域输变电设备可能的故障概率进行模拟计算。提出综合地理信息、气象信息及区域输输变电设备信息等关键因素的区域输变电设备故障概率模型并进行计算。通过广东省气象、地理及输变电设备信息对计算结果进行验证。



2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1. 通过本课题的训练,培养学生动手能力、分析问题及解决问题的能力;

2. 翻译与本课题相关的英文资料(不少于3000中文字符);

3. 查阅文献资料,撰写开题报告(不少于5000中文字符)。开题报告中,要求了解本毕业设计相关专业知识的发展历史、现状及趋势,以及本毕业设计领域技术发展历史中的重大突破的背景和影响,并理解本毕业设计领域复杂工程问题解决方案的设计/开发背景和意义;


3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排





4. 主要参考文献

  1. 丁一汇,张锦,宋亚芳. 天气和气候极端事件的变化及其与全球变暖的联系. 气象. 2002, 28(3): 3-7.
  2. 唐斯庆, 张弥, 李建设. 海南电网“9.26”大面积停电事故的分析与总结. 电力系统自动化,2006, 30(1):1-7
  3. Hui Hou, Xiongkai He, Zheng-tian Li, Aihong Tang and Hua-liang Fang. Risk assessment of power system under typhoon disaster. International Journal of Security and its Application. 2014, vol. 8, no. 3, 2014, pp.289-296.
  4. 苏盛,陈金富,段献忠.全球暖化与电力系统的相互影响综述.电网技术.2010,34(2):33-40.
  5. Climate change impacts and the electric sector. EPRI Technical Report of Research Project 1013189, 2006.
  6. 彭向阳, 黄志伟, 戴志伟. 配电线路台风受损原因及风灾防御措施分析. 南方电网技术. 2010, 4(1):99-102.
  7. 孙吉波, 辛拓, 王延伟. 广东电网抗击超强台风威马逊的经验及反思.广东电网, 2014,27(12):80-83.
  8. Billinton, R.; Wenyuan, L.; A novel method for incorporating weather effects in composite system adequacy evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1991,6(3):1154 – 1160.
  9. M. E. Batts,L. R. Russell, E. Simiu. Hurricane Wind Speeds in The United States. Journal of Structural. Division.1980, 106(ST10):2003~2005
  10. L. J. Shapiro. The Asymmetric Boundary Layer Flow Under Translating Hurricane. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. 1983, 40(8):1984~1998
  11. P. J. Vickery, L. A. Twisdale. Wind-field and Filling Models for Hurricane Wind-speed Predictions. Journal of Structural Engineering. 1995,121(11):1700~1709
  12. S. Chow. A Study of the Wind Field in the Planetary Boundary Layer of a Moving Tropical Cyclone. M. S. Thesis. 1971
  13. E. F. Thompson, V. J. Cardone. Practical Modeling of Hurricane Surface Wind Fields. Journal of Waterways, Port, Costal Ocean Engineering. 1996,122(4):195~206
  14. P. J. Vickery, P. F. Skerlj, A.C.Steckley, L. A. Twisdale. Hurricane Wind Field Model For Use in Hurricane Simulations. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2000, 126(10):1203~1221
  15. Yan Meng, Masahiro Matsui, Kazuki Hibi. An Analytical Model for Simulation of the Wind Field in a Typhoon Boundary Layer. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 1995, 56:291~310
  16. Yan Meng, Masahiro Matsui, Kazuki Hibi. A Numerical Study of the Wind Field in a Typhoon Boundary Layer. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 1997, 6768:437~448
  17. H. Liu, R. A. Davidson, D. V. Rosowsky, and J. R. Stedinger, “Negative binomial regression of electric power outages in hurricanes,”Journal of Infrastructure Systems, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 254–267, 2005.

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