
 2022-01-30 07:01


1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 实验内容和要求

1、 查阅大量国内外文献,对污泥气化以及水热碳化技术进行了解,尤其是对多组分水热液相与生活污泥共气化实验进行深入研究;2、 根据实验室现有的实验装置和实验参数,进行多组分水热液相与生活污泥共气化实验,详细分析实验结果,并撰写论文。

3. 参考文献

1. 张琲. 污水污泥流化床气化焦油特性的研究[D].天津工业大学,2019.2. 王博,宋永一,王鑫,孟庆强,张彪,赵丽萍,吴斯侃.有机固体废弃物热化学制氢研究进展[J/OL].化工进展:1-15[2020-11-27].3. 刘闯. 污泥热化学转化机理及气化特性研究[D].杭州电子科技大学,2018.4. Chao Gai,Yanchuan Guo,Tingting Liu,Nana Peng,Zhengang Liu. Hydrogen-rich gas production by steam gasification of hydrochar derived from sewage sludge[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41(5).5. Aelya, Seer, Arif, et al. Evaluation of the effects of process parameters on cogasification of an lignite and sorghum biomass with response surface methodology: An optimization study for high yield hydrogen production - ScienceDirect[J]. Fuel, 259:116230-116230.6. Dwi Hantoko, Antoni, Ekkachai Kanchanatip, et al. Assessment of sewage sludge gasification in supercritical water for H 2 -rich syngas production. 2019, 131:63-72.7. Urych Beata, Smoliński Adam. Sewage sludge and phytomass co-pyrolysis and the gasification of its chars: A kinetics and reaction mechanism study. 2021, 2858. Lu Chen, Zhang Xitong, Gao Ying, et al. Parametric study of catalytic co-gasification of cotton stalk and aqueous phase from wheat straw using hydrothermal carbonation. 2021, 216

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 2021.01.08-2021.01.14 任务书,选题审批表 2021.01.15-2021.03.04 文献综述、外文翻译、开题报告 2021.03.05-2021.04.01 实验研究,数据处理 2021.04.02-2021.06.03 论文写作 2021.06.04-2021.06.07 毕业论文等相应文件打印及装订 2021.06.08-2021.06.14 准备答辩

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