A Study of Senior High School Students’ English Learning Motivation from the Perspective of Motivation Theory任务书

 2022-05-03 09:05

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2. 参考文献(不低于12篇)

Anna Uhl Chamot and J.Michael OMalley. Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisiton[EB/OL]. [2014-1-14]. http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/samples/cam031/89009770.pdf.

Babaee N. Motivation in Learning English as a Second Language: A Literature Review [J]. Canadian Journal for New scholars in Education, 2012,4(1):22-28.

Chen, JF, Warden, etal. Motivators that do not motivate: The case of Chinese EFL learners and the influence of culture on motivation[J]. TESOL Quarterly, 2005,39(4):509-633.

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