
 2023-05-15 09:05

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求


典型的转录因子含有DNA结合域, 转录调控域, 寡聚化位点和核定位信号, 转录因子通过这些结构域与相应的顺式元件相互作用调控基因的表达。

WRKY转录因子是植物中特有的N-端含有WRKYGQK高度保守氨基酸序列的一种转录调控因子, 它能够与(T)(T)TGAC(C/T)序列(W-box)发生特异性结合, 从而调节启动子中含W-box元件的调节基因和功能基因的表达, 参与植物的各种生理生化反应。


2. 实验内容和要求





3. 参考文献

主要参考文献:[ 1] KALDEM , BARTHM , SOMSSICHIE, LIPPOKB. Members of the Arabidopsis WRKY group Ⅲ transcription factors are part of different plant defense signaling pathways[ J] . Mol . Plant Microbe Interact , 2003, 16( 4) : 295-305.[ 2] WUKL, GUOZJ, WANGHH, LIJ. The WRKY family of transcription factors in rice and Arabidopsis and their origins[ J] . DNA Res, 2005, 12( 1) : 9-26.[ 3] ISHIGUROS, NAKAMURAK. Characterization of a cDNA encoding a novel DNA-binding protein, SPF1, that recognizes SP8 sequences in the 5 -upstream regions of genes coding for sporamin and β-amylase from sweet potato[ J] . Mol. Gen. Genet , 1994, 244( 6) : 563-571.[ 4] GOFFSA , CONEC, CHANDLERVL . Functional analysis of the transcriptional activato r encoded by the maize B gene : evidence for a direct functional interaction between two classes of regulatory proteins[ J] . Gnens Dev , 1992, 6( 5) : 864-875.[ 5] MAEOK , HAYASHI S, KOJIMA-SUZUKI H , KOJIMA-SUZUKI H , MO RIKAM I A , NAKAM URA K . Role of conserved residues of the WRKY domain in the DNA-binding of tobacco WRKY family proteins[ J] . Biosci . Biotechnol. Biochem , 2001, 65( 11) : 2 428-2 436.[ 6] XIEZ , ZHANGZL, ZOUXL, HUANGJ , RUAP , THOMPSOND ,SHENQJ . Annotations and functional analyses of the rice WRKY gene superfamily reveal positive and negative regulators of abscisic acid signaling in aleurone cells[ J] . Plant Phy siol , 2005, 137( 1) : 176-189.[ 7] ZHANGYJ, WANGLJ. The WRKY transcription factor superfamily : its origin in eukaryotes and expansion in plants[ J] . BMC Evol . Biol , 2005, 5( 1) : 1-12.[ 8] EULGEMT , RUSHTONPJ , ROBATZEKS, SOMSSICHIE. The WRKY superfamily of plant transcription factors[ J] . Trends Plant Sci , 2000, 5( 5) : 199-206.[ 9] EULGEMT , RUSHTONPJ, SCHMELZERE, HAHIBROCKK , SOMSSICHIE. Early nuclear events in plant defense : rapid gene activation by WRK Y transcription factors[ J] . EMBO J , 1999, 18( 17) : 4 689-4 699.[ 10] RUSHTONPJ, MACDONALDH , HUTTLY AK , LAZARUSCM , HOOLEYR. Members of a new family of DNA-binding proteins bind to a conserved cis -element in the promoters of alpha-Amy2 genes[ J] . Plant Mol . Biol ,1995, 29( 4) : 691-702.[ 11] TURCKF, ZHOUA , SOMSSICHIE. Stimulus -dependent, promoter -specific binding of transcription factor WRKY1 to its native promoter and the defense-related gene PcPR1 -1 in parsley[ J] . Plant Cell , 2004, 16( 10) : 2 573-2 585.[ 12] YUDQ , CHENCH, CHENZX. Evidence for an important role of WRKY DNA binding proteins in the regulation of NPR1 gene expression[ J] . Plant Cell , 2001, 13( 7) : 1 527-1 539.[ 13] ROBATZEKS , SOMSSICHE. Targets of AtWRK Y6 regulation during plant senescence and pathogen defense[ J] . Gene Dev , 2002, 16( 9) : 1 139-1 149.[ 14] RUSHTONPJ, SOMSSICHIE. Transcriptional control of plant genes responsive to pathogens[ J] . Curr . Opin. Plant Biol, 1998, 1( 4) :311-315.[ 15] ZHANGZL , XIEZ , ZOUX, CASARETTO J, HOTH, SHENQJ. A rice WRKY gene encodes a transcriptional repressor of the gibberellin signaling pathway in aleurone cells[ J] . Plant Physiol , 2004, 134( 4) : 1 500-1 513.

4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

本课题进度安排:(1)明确论文任务,搜集资料:2月10日 ~ 3月1日;(2)搜集资料确定论文大纲:3月6日 ~ 3月23日;(3)撰写论文初稿:4月13日 ~ 4月18日;(4)论文中期检查:4月19日 ~ 4月23日;(5)论文修改阶段:4月24日 ~ 5月7日;(6)论文评审阶段:5月8日 ~ 5月14日;(7)论文答辩阶段:5月15日 ~5月20日。

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