
 2023-08-03 08:08

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

Taking different versions of the English translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling as examples,this paper aims at showing the advantages of three beauties theory in translating classical Chinese poetry by analyzing and studying the embodiment of three beauties in these versions,so that this paper can make translator translate classical Chinese poetry from a better perspective,and the readers can appreciate the translation in a better way.

2. 实验内容和要求

Contents1.Introduction12.Literature Review22.1 A brief review of the theoretical research on English translation of classical Chinese poetry . ...22.2 A brief review of the English translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling.......... .53. A Comparative Study of the English Translation of Huang Helou Song Meng Haoran Zhi Guang Ling from the Perspective of Three Beauties Theory..53.1 Beauty in sense...83.2 Beauty in sound..93.3Beauty in form....104 Conclusion.......11Works cited....12

3. 参考文献

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4. 毕业设计(论文)计划

2022年3月 开题报告 2022年4月底 初稿2022年5月中旬 修改及定稿

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