从记忆侵扰到重建:《盲刺客》中艾丽丝的创伤研究 From Intrusion to Reconstruction: On Trauma of Iris in The Blind Assassin任务书

 2021-12-05 05:12

1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:

The Blind Assassin is Margaret Atwood’s Booker Prize-winning novel in 2000 with three stories intertwined in this complex novel. The premise of the book is an autobiographical confession of the elderly protagonist, Iris Chase who went through wars, family decline and three tragic deaths: sister, husband, and daughter. Interspersed with this memoir are chapters from a roman à clef, The Blind Assassin, which Iris ostensibly published under the pseudonym of her sister Laura. The novel-within-the-novel itself contains a science-fiction narrative about a fantastical cruel city called Sakiel-Norn and the love story between a blind assassin and a mute sacrificial maiden. This thesis aims to analyze Iris Chase’s psychological trauma and her “reconstructing of the trauma story” from the perspective of the representation or trauma disorders, the origin of her victimization, and her recovery based on the trauma theory of Judith Herman, Cathy Caruth and Freud Sigmund.

2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求

1.Search online and choose the novel to work on.2.Search for the related resources to identify the topic for the paper.3.Read the original novel and work out the outline.4.Write the paper on schedule in accordance with the required format.

3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排

Before 4th January: settlement of the titleBefore 28th, February: submission of the outlineBefore 29th April: submission of the first draftBefore 15th May: revision of the draftBefore 26th May: submission of the final paper

4. 主要参考文献

[1]Atwood, Margaret. The Blind Assassin [M]. New York: Anchor Books, 2001.[2]Herman, Judith. Trauma and Recovery[M]. New York: Basic Books, 1992.[3]Robinson, Alan. Alias Laura: Representations of the past in Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin[J]. Modern Language Review, 2006, 101(2): 347.[4]何瑛. 《盲刺客》:女性的叙述欲望与生存地图[J]. 上海文化, 2015(07): 113-119.[5]柯倩婷. 《盲刺客》:一部关于记忆的小说[J]. 外国文学评论, 2007(01): 104-110.[6]王欣. 创伤叙事、见证和创伤文化研究[J]. 四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2013(5): 73-79.

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